Wastewater Biologicals and  Chemicals

Biological Chemical Eco friendly Green Chemicals Septic Digester Granules
Septic Digester Powder

Acutrade Septic Digester Powder is a leader in its class when it comes to breaking down of organic solids in septic tanks, sewerage systems as well as fat traps.. Read more..

Biological Chemical Eco friendly Green Chemicals Acusewer Digester
Acusewer Digester

Acusewer Digester is our most advanced bio-enzymatic product to combat both viruses and bacteria, eliminates odours quicker, and benefits downstream water Tried & Tested. Biologically active seed cultures are microbial strains of naturally occurring microorganisms that have been isolated and trained to produce large amounts of digestive enzymes when introduced into a waste system.. Read more..

Biological Chemical Eco friendly Green Chemicals Odour Digester
Odour Digester

Odour Digester is an odour reducing grease and fat trap treatment with an intelligent bacterial and microbial consortium that produces lipase enzymes for rapid fat, grease and oil digestion in kitchen's, abattoir's and meat processing fat traps and drain lines.. Read more..

Biological Chemical Eco friendly Green Chemicals Acufat Digester
Acufat Digester

Acufat Digester is an odour reducing grease and fat trap treatment with an intelligent bacterial and microbial consortium that produces lipase enzymes for rapid fat, grease and oil digestion in kitchen's, abattoir's and meat processing fat traps and drain lines.. Read more..

Acufat Digester Pods
Acufat Digester Pods

AcuFat Digester Pods is a cutting edge bio-enzymatic pod for digesting fats, oils and greases in fat traps and drains, eliminates odours with a proprietary multiple strain microbial system with no expensive dispensers or complicated installations required. Exclusive long-life block – up to 45 days.. Read more..

FS Digester
FS Digester

FS Digester is a unique product that is a blend of protease, amylase and lipase bacteria allowing you to treat a fat trap  with just one product that has a mix of fats, proteins and starches entering into the catchment tank by merely adding 1-5% of the tank flow rate per day.

Save A Flush Digester
Save A Flush Digester

Save A Flush Digester is a bacteria based very powerful blue urine masking dye system which instantly colours water blue and disguises all typical urine colours while remaining safe for the porcelain surfaces inside the toilet bowl.. Read more..

Acutrade Biological Cistern Block
Acutrade Biological Cistern Block

Acutrade Biological Cistern Blocks have been specially designed to clean and eliminate odour problems while being environmentally friendly when compared to conventional chemical and Chlorine Blocks. Each biological block contains powerful bacterial cleaning agents, which are proven to maintain, clean, deodorise toilets, traps, u-bends and pipes.. Read more..

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