AcuTrade was founded by Glenn Thomas in 2014 with a total capital of R20 000.00 to his name unfairly dismissed from his job and unemployed. The front verandah of his house was his warehouse where he held the stock he bought with the last of his money and went to market with a brand new type of cleaning product that nobody in the Port Elizabeth region knew about, BACTERIA based ENZYMATIC products that brought a whole new dimension to the cleaning industry into the Eastern Cape. After 1 yr the bottling facility was set up and opened. For 8 months Glenn mixed, bottled, labelled, sold and delivered by himself working extraordinary long hours to service and deliver to our client base on time.
AcuTrade blends and bottles biological products and manufactures eco friendly chemicals, trades in cleaning equipment, PPoE, site cleaning equipment like leaf blowers, chain saws, hedge trimmers etc and related applications for the major property, facilities management, cleaning, hygiene, food processing, restaurant chains, water treatment works, agricultural sector, Civils, food packing facilities, as well as smaller distributors and companies in South Africa.
We uniquely bottle local based bacterial strains without having to import any material components from overseas. The bacteria we use in our formulations therefore have an advantage over the other imported products as they don’t have to climatize before getting to work allowing them to start eating away faster, reproduce quicker, break down dirts immediately, and live longer.
We have also opened a Specialised Chemical division where we formulate specialised chemicals for your specific application and requirement, we currently supply many specialised industries in this regard.
Acutrade are improving daily in the science and biotechnology of our products to keep ourselves in front of our competitors, to ensure the best results at the lowest costs when compared to traditional toxic chemicals.
AcuTrade places the absolute highest emphasis on ethical business, service delivery, client service, continued staff training, free and ongoing on-site staff training, problem solving to all our clients.
AcuTrade currently has offices and warehousing in Port Elizabeth and look to extend their footprint shortly into the East London and George areas.
AcuTrade Products are manufactured with the intent of it being the best product at the best price without it causing harm or damage to people or the environment.
We thank you for affording us the opportunity to introduce AcuTrade to you our new potential client, and look forward to demonstrating to your facility and business why we are the leaders in our industry, and being of continued assistance to you going forward.
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